Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who is Ellie?

Ellie-ism. The word is becoming a common one in my household. How could it not? She's the smartest, funniest, sassiest, shake-my-head-in-amazement four year old I know. But let me start at the beginning.

I asked Elease Chastain to tell me when she was born and how she's grown up. This is our interview:

When were you born?
"On August 17."
Who all was there?
"Aunt Kirsten was there, and also Sydney (because I'm her cousin when I was a baby). Also nanny and pops and mommom and poppop and lorelia and eden."
What was your favorite thing to do when you were a baby?
"Crawl. I also cried. I also ate. I also drank."
What was your favorite toy when you were a baby?
"My froggy bouncey seat."
What was your favorite thing to do when you were 2?
"Play with my sisters. We went camping."
What was your favorite birthday?
"The tinker bell birthday with cookies."
What was your favorite thing to do now that you're four?
"Work and rake leaves and help and clean up and have a snack."
What are your favorite books to read?
"Um Amelia Bedelia and Little Rabbit Foo Foo."
What is your favorite TV show?
"Wonder Pets!"
What is your favorite movie?
"Beauty and the Beast."
What is your favorite season, fall or summer?
"I like summer the best because we get to go in the pool."
If your friend were going to school for the first time, how would you encourage them:
"I would say 'bye'."

And there you have it folks. Ellie's life in a nutshell.

Ellie showing me her baby book
Ellie showing me her froggy bouncy seat

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